Links to Sherline/MASSO Instructions

Following is a list of all the written instructions for our Sherline/MASSO CNC controller. Click on any link below to see instructions for that part or process. The instructions are in .pdf format.

MASSO Instructions and Videos to Help You Get Started

Below is a list of recommended instructions to read and videos to watch if you just purchased a Sherline/MASSO control and you are setting up your machine.

  1. Sherline/MASSO CNC Controller Initial Start instructions
    1. Video: Setting up Your New Sherline CNC Controller
    2. Video: Installing the Optical Encoder
    3. Video: Setting up the Optical Encoder
  2. Sherline/MASSO CNC Controller Start-up Procedure
  3. How to Change the MASSO User and Admin Password Instructions
  4. Sherline/MASSO Software Upload Instructions
  5. MASSO Optical Encoder Gap Correction
  6. MASSO Controller–Default Function Settings for Sherline Machines
    These are the default setting for every machine. If your machine is moving in the wrong direction, not homing out correctly, or not moving the correct increments. Compare the default settings shown here to the actual setting on your controller setup page.
    Pick your machine from the list.

Once your machine is up and running, you can check out the other videos that we have on our Sherline/MASSO Instructional Videos page.

Do you have a question about the Sherline/MASSO CNC controller? Visit our MASSO FAQs page to learn more.

Sherline/MASSO Controller Retrofit 2/Upgrade for Customers who Have a Linux CNC Computer (using the PC CNC controller board in a new driver box)

9 pages

MASSO Controller–Default Function Settings for Sherline Machines
Pick your machine from the list.

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